Challenge round up!!

Hello all! Long time no write on my behalf and I’ve just had a flick through what you’ve all been up to and I’ve got a lot of catching up to do. You busy bunch!

So why the silence? Well I’ve been busy moving work location and trying to keep the business afloat. It’s been hard going these last few months and I’ve had to change my outlook for this year. The first change that I’m in the process of making is the change to the blog. It’s become a shop! I’m still in the process of creating it but when it’s finished it’ll have my Mag Bellum tile system to purchase, random bits and models I create and a download section for large terrain pieces so you can 3D print them yourself. Busy, Busy, Busy!!! So as you can imagine this all takes some time, as well as dealing with the real world and it’s challenges I have, however found some time to get some hobby stuff done, as it’s tied in nicely with my goals for the blog and business.


Azazel January challenge, I decided to have a bash at trying to finish off one of my Mag Bellum skirmish boards. Geared towards ][nq28 gaming this one is called The Obsidian Room and it’s a prototype for things to come with the system, namely multi level sections. Unfortunately I didn’t quite get it finished but I was damn close!


obsidion room7obsidion room10obsidion room4obsidion room12obsidion room11obsidion room9obsidion room8obsidion room6obsidion room3obsidion room2obsidion room1



So Alex decided to get the Fembruary challenge going again and I jumped on it straight away! For this I decided to paint one of my own sculpts the Plague Shepherd. She’s been sitting around half done for a while and so it was time I got the paint out and slap some on her. I’m pretty pleased with how she’s come out and will be adding some plague ridden little creeps for her to herd around soon. Once they are done I will be attempting a kick starter with her, so keep tuned for more info.

the plague shepperd1the plague shepperd2the plague shepperd3the plague shepperd4the plague shepperd5

17 thoughts on “Challenge round up!!

      1. Yes they will. If you want anything in the meantime then email me and I’ll get it done for you.


      2. Yes they will. In the meantime though if you wanted anything you can email me and I’ll get it made for you. 😊


  1. That terrain is looking great – love the table and chairs, very reminiscent of Giger and also very fitting for 40k. Great work on the Plague Shepherd too.


    1. Thanks mate! The chair is the very ancient citadel throne of Sauron from The Lord of the Rings. Great model! I’m pretty pleased with her, but I need to define her face a little more I think.


  2. Welcome back brother. We’ve all missed you. I hope this year brings lots of great things for you. The terrain looks great and the Shepherd is beautiful, well, you know what I mean. I wouldn’t date her haha


    1. Are you sure? Thought she’d be right up your ally, match made in hell sort of thing ;P Ha ha!! Glad you like it all dude.


  3. Great work on both here, mate – love the plague Shepherd!
    Don’t forget, that February is ALSO a terrain challenge month, so if you have time in the next fortnight…


    1. Cheers mate. I hope to get a better hobby rhythm going as it’s been tuff these last few months. I have so much to paint as well as ongoing projects that need some attention.


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