Hello all!

Exciting news! Mag Bellum will be at Salute 2019!! Awesome hey? Its been a hard slog and I still have much to do but I will be there and hopefully you will be too. If so come up and say hi, I will have displays on with new stuff that will be hitting the shop along with AoS28 and Inq28 displays using the Mag Bellum tile system.



You will of course be able to buy a box or two of tiles to get started with the tile system and special deals will also be on offer. I will be updating on the lead up to the event which will be held on the 6th of April 2019 at the London Excel.

To get things started though I need your help. I’ve just launched an Everpress campaign where you can purchase a limited edition T-shirt with the proceeds going to help me make Mag Bellum a reality.

To see the shirt please follow this LINK

Thank you for your support



On another note, and because it’s hard not to have a picture of a miniature in a blog post, my company Black Edge 3D will be doing our first Kickstarter! It’s just a small one with the miniature shown below on offer.



It’s all very Blanchian and was taken from a concept drawing by the talented Stygian Thorne ( Ahmad Jafar ). More details will follow soon as well as more images of her in all her grim dark glory.

Cheers guys and gals 🙂

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