Painting a Brat for the hell of it.

Hello all!

The painting mojo took a bit of hit lately and I found myself surrounded by too many projects on my hobby desk. This I find is never good as it becomes a bog of grey, primed and half painted great idea at the time models, which I may or may not get back to. So I had a tidy! Cleared the area! Arranged my brushes and got clean water! I then broke out a model that I’ve been wanting to paint for ages and thought I’m going to spend the day painting you. So I did and, ladies and gentlemen, it was glorious! The reason it was so good was because the model belongs to no project, it was painted for the sheer joy of it and that is what I was missing.

It’s not my best painting but it was nice to try out colours I don’t usually put together and the inspiration for the scheme came from a much loved John Blanche painting he did way back when Necromunda was known as Confrontation. I’m sure you know the one? 🙂

Patreon and me

Hello peeps! As the time goes by and we find that our time at home has been extended I find myself thinking of the future and what would happen if after all the furlough I won’t have a job to go back to. It’s a problem quite a few of us will face and so I’ve been using this time to get my Mag Bellum venture up and running properly. It has taken some time to be sure and I’ve had some good feed back from people so now I feel the time has come. The system works and I would love to share it with you!

The way this will start will be with Patreon. Patreon if you don’t know is site for artists and the like that you can sign up with and for a fee help them continue with their work. You get something for your money and in my case you will get 3D models to print and create your own Mag Bellum boards.

This is what the welcome page will look like with the different tiers available.

As well as Patreon I will be offering a service for those who want the product but don’t have the means to make it. This will take a bit of time to sort out though but I’m thinking along the lines of it being like a commission, so only making two or so orders at a time. So lots to do still but I’m very close to launch and I’ll be updating as I go along on Instagram and here. Well, I think that’s about it for now. Any thoughts or suggestions would be most welcome and I’ll leave you with a few shots of what will be on offer should you choose to support me on this journey.

Cheers guys and gals!

Complete Mag Bellum set

Greetings one and all! So the times get stranger and the hobby gets better! The internet has be awash with awesome, inspirational projects and it’s been a joy to read, look and watch all the great content pouring out of people in these uncertain times. Two thumbs up to you all!

As you can imagine I’ve not been idle and have a few projects on the go, 4 to be precise. The first is my Sanguinala Procession, which you can find here and the second one you can find right here right now! I’m pretty excited about this one as it’s a Inq28 campaign. The Daemon Ink! I am yet to write any lore for it but I have been busy creating one of the boards and that’s whats on show today.

Using a Mag Bellum set I wanted to create one of the many underground libraries, which are, in part, just sections of a larger subterranean labyrinth of colossal size. Being a Mag Bellum board I can create many different setups with it, which will allow me to write a few different scenarios to go with the back ground. First up though lets take a look at the setup of the first board.

Now for the tour! The image heavy section. 🙂

This board was a joy to make and I can’t wait to see war bands dealing death through the haunting halls of the library labyrinth and either working to see The Daemon Ink succeed or fighting hard to stop it.

Challenge round up!!

Hello all! Long time no write on my behalf and I’ve just had a flick through what you’ve all been up to and I’ve got a lot of catching up to do. You busy bunch!

So why the silence? Well I’ve been busy moving work location and trying to keep the business afloat. It’s been hard going these last few months and I’ve had to change my outlook for this year. The first change that I’m in the process of making is the change to the blog. It’s become a shop! I’m still in the process of creating it but when it’s finished it’ll have my Mag Bellum tile system to purchase, random bits and models I create and a download section for large terrain pieces so you can 3D print them yourself. Busy, Busy, Busy!!! So as you can imagine this all takes some time, as well as dealing with the real world and it’s challenges I have, however found some time to get some hobby stuff done, as it’s tied in nicely with my goals for the blog and business.


Azazel January challenge, I decided to have a bash at trying to finish off one of my Mag Bellum skirmish boards. Geared towards ][nq28 gaming this one is called The Obsidian Room and it’s a prototype for things to come with the system, namely multi level sections. Unfortunately I didn’t quite get it finished but I was damn close!


obsidion room7obsidion room10obsidion room4obsidion room12obsidion room11obsidion room9obsidion room8obsidion room6obsidion room3obsidion room2obsidion room1



So Alex decided to get the Fembruary challenge going again and I jumped on it straight away! For this I decided to paint one of my own sculpts the Plague Shepherd. She’s been sitting around half done for a while and so it was time I got the paint out and slap some on her. I’m pretty pleased with how she’s come out and will be adding some plague ridden little creeps for her to herd around soon. Once they are done I will be attempting a kick starter with her, so keep tuned for more info.

the plague shepperd1the plague shepperd2the plague shepperd3the plague shepperd4the plague shepperd5

Mag Bellum information

Greetings hobby nuts!

So it’s exciting times here and I’m pleased to tell you all that the first wave of Mag Bellum tiles has hit the store! Yippie!! It’s been a hard old slog but I’m pretty happy with the design and the potential it has for war gaming.


Mag Bellum FB Banner2 851x315-01

Lets have a look at how you buy the sets.

On the Mag Bellum page you will see the payment buttons. The designs of the tiles are displayed here and how many you get of each in the pack ( total of 5 in each ) Selling them this way allows you to select the exact tiles you want to create your board it also has the added benefit of allowing you to spread the cost. Postage is included.


How many tiles will you need to create a board?

A 2ft x 2ft board will need 4 boxes to complete it as it uses 16 tiles to create it. This leaves an extra four tiles, which you can add to the board or leave as more variety for your games if say you are playing a campaign. This size board is perfect for Inq28, AoS28, Killteam or any other skirmish game you play.

Combining sets with your friends will make for battles being fought over many different grounds and themes and up to any size you wish with whatever layout you wish. The variety of boards that can be created are endless.


Extra plate sets.

A plate is the insert which sits in the tile it was made for. These plates are what you create your terrain on like buildings, trees, mounds, piles of rusty junk, objectives and so on. You can purchase extra plates to go with the tiles you already own creating more terrain possibilities for your games without buying the whole tile set.


If you haven’t already, head over to Facebook and like the Mag Bellum page and Instagram of the same name. I will be posting updates on those platforms along with images of boards and what you can achieve with the system.

And I shall leave you with some moody shots of a board I am creating.


Cult Limo

This project was on the back burner for a while. That was until Mr Wadu of Convert or Die said he didn’t like Genestealer Cult Limo’s. The shock of it right!? So I just had to move it up the queue and hope that my efforts will change his mind. If it doesn’t then no biggie, I love them and wished an offical one was released when they revamped the range but we got a truck instead, which is a cool kit, but not a Limo.

Any way. Without further ado here’s my Cult Limo. I do hope you like it and thoughts are always very welcome, especially on what colour it should be.


Coven Limo

Coven Limo2

Coven Limo3

Coven Limo4

Coven Limo5

Coven Limo6

Coven Limo7

Coven Limo8

Mag Bellum

Hello folks!

So my tile system Mag Bellum is nearly ready for release. It’s been a bit of a ride getting here and after all the hard work I have to say I’m pretty happy with the way it’s turned out. This, the first edition of the system, will be available from the beginning of next week and I’ll be hosting the first Bellum Knights day on the 2nd of December, which will be held at The Museum of Futures in Surbiton Greater London, so if you are in the area or wouldn’t mind traveling to attend then please drop me a line. At these events I hope to have a group of gamer’s attend and play the games we love like Inq28, AoS28, 40K, AoS, Kill Team, Necromunda and Morheim all on the Mag Bellum tile system as well as other boards that will be created for campaign events. The aim is to have a Bellum Knights event monthly and hopefully in the future have workshops as well.

Well that’s enough prattling on for the moment let’s get to the pictures! They are all in moody black and white as it’s at the primed stage except the trees, which were painted by Alex and have been found on many a battle field.


This edition is the Skirmish and is 2ft x 2ft. It consists of 16 tiles, 7 of which are blank with the rest having plates that insert into their tiles. The idea is that you build your scenery on these plates so that the buildings or other terrain are not sitting on the surface ( you can do that to of course ) but look as if they are built onto the board. Extra plates and tiles will be available in packs of five as well so you can expand your board and add even more variety to a setup. Each tile is 150mm x 150mm x 6mm and is magnetized by 2 magnets on each side. This allows them to click into place nicely. Now because the magnets come unfitted I needed a way of fitting them into the tiles as they are small and fiddly and my first attempt at getting them in the right way was messy and frustrating with a lot of glue sticking my fingers to everything.  So I set about engineering a tool that will make this job easier and less messy.


Introducing the Mag-tool.


I will be doing an animation on how you use the Mag-tool soon but basically it allows you stick and then slide the magnet into place.



The main idea behind Mag Bellum though is that it’s designed to be a space-saving system, so after you’ve finished the battle you can just take the scenery off and stack the tiles away safely in their box. More on that next time but for now some more images of the board in a slightly different setup.


Well that’s it for this update. If you are interested then you can follow Mag Bellum on Face book and Instagram for all the latest updates plus info on up and coming events and campaigns.

Thanks for the support 🙂

Venator Gang

Hi gang!

Here’s an image bomb of my Venator Gang as it stands. Names and fluff I haven’t really thought about yet and I might not for this project but we shall see.

Brat Ganger

Albino Escher

Goliath muscle

Ex Guard Medic and Caryatid

Large skull crab battle servitor

Large skull crab battle servitor side

Van Saar Stealth Maiden

Group shot


The Chapel Box of St Ascerion

Hello one and all.

Some of you may have seen this already but this time it’s with more info!

I started making this box a while ago and the one you see in this post is the prototype of a kit. The idea of cool travel boxes is awesome, with the likes of Nicolas Grillet doing some truly inspired work and it got me thinking about making a kit that you can customize to create your own box of grim dark.

In this kit you get 8 wall sections that make 4 walls, 4 lid corners with inserts and a blank plate for the middle, 4 floor sections and 2 flag stones. You also get the wooden box that comes blank and ready for whatever staining or painting you wish and a steel plate that your magnetized models will stick to.

The design of the parts are pretty blank with only a few details, this is so you can use your own bits and textures to make it original. There’s lots of space to do so, the box is 29cm x 24.5cm x 15.5cm in size. Most of the kit is 3D printed in grey plastic with the rest of the parts cast in grey resin. This will change to fully cast in resin in the near future.

So there you have it. Now it’s on to making one for an order and depending on how busy I am they can take up to three weeks to complete. I will post an image of that order before it gets sent so you can all see it in its blank, hurry up and paint me, stage 🙂 Any questions please ask and if you are interested in one for yourself please contact me via email as found on my about page. The cost of these depends on where you are in the world as the postage for one can be hefty due to its size and weight.

Here’s mine, hope you like it.
