Pipeline Projects

Hello again!

As you all know as hobbyists we usually have more things on the go and ideas floating around in our heads than we can ever have a hope in finishing. This coupled with the ever expanding awesomeness of releases that feed our imagination and addiction makes this even harder to achieve. Now, I find it even harder still because, for the life of me, I just can’t leave a model how it is, it must be changed even if it’s just a head swap. So here I am compiling a visual list of models that will get my attention again in due course.

First up The war band of The Flawed Saint. This is a small project really and is designed for very small skirmish inq28 style games.

I actually finished the Flawed Saint herself the other day.


Next up is a Nurgle warband.


This is it so far. What I’m aiming for is a large group of poxwalker types ( I have loads on sprues!) called the Locked. I’m aiming for at least 20.


Flesh Eater Space Marines Kill Team.

flesh eaters marines

These guys have been around for a while and they’ve even had a few runs on the battlefield. I find red quite a hard colour to get right and I think they need more attention to make the red pop a bit more, although I don’t want them to look shiny. Marines, in my view, should always look like they’re in the wars. I’m planning on creating some transfers, or do free hand, for them as well based on the original design of their chapter symbol, which is much better than the newer one.



Lastly I am slowly collecting some good old pewter models. That’s right I’ve had an urge to get back to my roots and I’m tracking down all the models from The Realms of Chaos I loved as a kid, teen and young adult, and creating an old school Chaos army. I have a long way to go and at the time of writing some things are in the post, but here’s a few shots of what I have at the moment.

I really want some of the original Blood Letters, at least five, so if any of you wonderful people have them and wouldn’t mind parting with them then let me know 🙂


Worship of the Worm. The Great Worm and The Excreted.

worship of the worm titlepage

The next installment of my AoS28 war band is the Great Worm itself. This beast of a model has been sitting around waiting to be finished for quite some time now and I’m actually relieved it’s finally done.

The painting technique I used on this large model was to create a few washes out of really dirty paint water and while it was sunny outside fling the paint at the model with a big brush. With the hot weather it dried really fast and created a wonderful effect for the skin. I would then apply more washes of dark green and black and then drybrush areas with terminatus stone. Details were picked out with nurgles rot and blood for the blood god. All very satisfying flinging paint around, I felt like I was back in art class when I was ten 😉


As you can see the Worm has a few hangers-on. The biggest one being one of the repulsive Excreted. These disgusting chaps get, you guessed it, excreted from the Great Worm itself and follow The Women in White in her quest to bring the worship of the great worm to all and have them consumed and reborn for the glory of Nurgle. The following members of the band are the Excreted champion and banner bearer.

excreated champ1excreated champ2excreated banner1excreated banner2

And to round things off, an image of the whole gang as it stands at the moment. More Excreted will follow soon.


Worship of the Worm. The Worm begins to take shape.

wotw header1

The Great Worm has been sitting on my shelf for quite a long time now waiting for that time when I started designing the war band that would worship it. The idea came to me at work when I had to design and 3D print a tape worm found in dogs for a vet client ( my work takes me to starnge places sometimes ) so there I was doing research into these wriggly nasties, it was not the most pleasant thing to look at let me tell you, especially over lunch! Any way I designed this worm from looking at closeups of its anatomy and while I was doing so my mind drifted to Nurgle… Obviously!….. Once I’d finished with that job I designed a large worm like body bloated with corruption and printed it out in three sections due to its size. It would be the base for the creature with the rest of the model being scratched built and kit bashed from various chaos and undead bits from my bitz box.

So below are some images of where I’m at with this monster. It’s been a challenge for me as I usually only paint characters and war bands but I’ve really enjoyed creating different effects on its skin and will be looking to enhance this look of old earth and decay that the Great Worm represents.

Worm wip1
An Excreted warrior stands on the great worm that spawned him
Worm wip2
The dangerous end
Worm wip3
Bloated corrupt coils of the worm
Worm wip4
Nurglings play.

Skull Critters in the Shop

Hello all.

Hope the hobby stuff is going well? Today’s post is about creepy little skull critters.

These cute, nasty and disturbing little beasties can now be purchased from the shops on my blog. They can make great additions to scenery or characters, or you can have them scuttling or flying about the place during one of your games.  So head over and treat yourself, or someone else, to these little creeps.


skull crabs
Skull Crabs
skull rats
Skull Rats
skull birds
Skull Birds

The Shepherd of Plagues

Greetings blighted ones!

Today I present to you a character I have been working on for a while now and I’m proud to say she’s all done and ready for the shop.

The Shepherd of Plagues is the first in a series of 54mm scale miniatures that you can collect and she comes in a box with her symbol stenciled on the front.


So head over to the shop pages UK and Euro to get yours. A note for the rest of the world you can still purchase one, you just need to email me. My email can be found in the about page