Prince of the Bladed Cross

” The oaths were broken. The curse set in. The damned rose triumphant and revelled in their sin. “

SOH LASH. The Compulsive Prince of the Twisted Fortress. Lord of Flayed Delight. Prince of the Bladed Cross.

” We once thought as you do. Such stunted vision. So much in this tainted, blissful universe is ripe and dripping with potential. Why shut yourself off from such pleasures, after all, life is short is it not? Well for you it is. If only you embraced the truth and set yourself free. MMMMM! I’m not complaining though, you will taste that much more sweeter. Fear has a flavour you know. “

A little visual insight to the modelling process. It was a really fun character to create and the pieces just seemed to go together so well. The vision I had for it was almost exactly what I modelled and the paint job was an experiment with some different paints I recently got. The metal effect of his armour was achieved by using pearl paints, with thinned down shades of red and purple glazed in areas. It was then highlighted with a chrome silver paint. The base is a 3D print.

A New Year. A New Start.

Well here we are again. A new year has just past us in a flash and it’s time once again to look ahead and make those changes you’ve always talked about and complete those hobby goals you’ve amassed year after year and will no doubt add to again this year. It’s all great fun though and that’s why it was a complete bummer when all hobby mojo left me at the end of last year. This was due to those pesky life problems and a good old dose of depression. But fear not! I am doing fine now and have started to get the hobby juices flowing again.

This post will hopefully layout the projects for this year and hopefully I will stick to them. I’m going to make a good effort in doing so as I think that’s one of the major driving forces for hobby satisfaction, the completion of a project. The projects listed below have all been started or have the models already to start. So here we go!

1: Realm of Warcry Nurgle Warband.

2: Inq28 Warbands. Inquisition and Genestealer Cults. Scenery

3: Horus Heresy Blood Angels.

4: Keeper of Secrets Greater Daemon of Slaanesh

5: Armies on Parade Dark Angles

6: Nobles of the Darkling Wood. Characters and Scenery

7: Frostgrave Warband for BOYL

8: Gorka Morka warbands and terrain

I think it’s a pretty doable list and I’m hoping it stays that way. Time will tell though and as we are all aware it only takes one new release model to throw it all into chaos 🙂

Lets now take look at some models!! Here we have the Inquisitor warband of Meridian Geld. There’s nothing particularly inspired by this group but it is a good old solid warband, with the usual suspects. All that is left to do is add a vehicle and paint them.

Next up we have my Nurgle Champion for Realm of Warcry. The very old and very dirty Bloabech Wormfinger Pallid Reaper of the Effluvient Mire.

Really quite pleased with this one and some of his followers are nearly finished as well. They are a group of Pestigors. Below is his stat card for playing the games.

Last but not least we have The Angels Tears for my Blood Angels Horus Heresy army. Loved these models from the moment they came out and wanted to do a good job on them. I’m quite proud of the red armour.

Well that’s it for now but the aim is to get a few posts done a month so I can document my progress and share wip shots with you all. Until next time!

Eavy Metal!! Old School.

Here’s a a bit of fun I’ve had putting together a few pages of old school Eavy metal, just like the ones from the old days. Oh how I miss them! Such great sources of inspiration then and now, I often have a look back through old White Dwarfs to find a spark for an idea and the Eavy Metal pages have always been great for that. They were bright and bold and showed the wide range of wackiness that is Warhammer. Glorious!!

Slaanesh War band

Flesh, pain and pleasure! The sadistic lovers of Chaos. SLAANESH!!! Sssaay she who thirsts name with rapture!

So I’ve been adding to my Slaanesh war band the forbidden fruits of which are the subject of this post. This is one of those projects that is on the slow burn and I’m pretty sure, in fact I know, I will be adding more to it over time, I already have a few unopened boxes of Slaanesh goodies in the model draws and The Keeper of Secrets will be mine ( oh yes it will be mine ) very soon.

As projects go it’s been one of exploring new techniques and pushing myself with converting and modeling (CAD and traditional) plus with the release of Contrast paints it has given me the opportunity to do some speed painting, a method I used to do the cultists. All in all then it’s been great fun and some of my most satisfying hobby moments have come from it. May they continue in Slaanesh’s name!

The Leader of the War band. Slaanesh Witch and her Daemonettes

Psyker and Beastmen
Possessed Emperors Children Marine

The above images are of the Chaotic war engines of the band. The Impulsor Engine and Rapture missile launcher.

Give praise to She Who Thirsts.

#Top5 and other bits

Hello! It’s Sunday again! My god the weeks fly, I must be having too much fun 😉 On the hobby front that is very true, what with the daily painting sessions and frantic kitbashing blitzes, the Saturday night RPG sessions, which are just the best and a right laugh, to the finishing of long over due projects, it’s all pretty sweet. I do however miss a good old massacre over some lovingly crafted terrain and the socialising that goes with it. These times will happen again to be sure and when they do I will have an abundance of models and terrain to choose from, as I hope you all will too.

So onto things hobby nuts! I was recently asked to do my top 5 on Instagram. Now I don’t usually take part in these sort of things but as it was hobby related I thought I would give it a bash. It was hard!! Really hard! It took me about a week of thinking about it and thinking of all the models I’d done and reasons why they may make the cut. Five is a horrible number for such a thing as, as I’m sure you will agree, painting models, we put so much effort into them and learn so much from doing it that they all have meaning to us. So after it got all too much I took the plunge and below are my top five.

Ok whats up next! A quick project I painted this weekend. A work in monochrome. Really enjoyed painting with such a limited palette and I’m keen to try it on my next Mag Bellum set. This is a Inq28 warband that’s been lying around staring at me looking all depressing in their undercoat begging me to finish them off and I’m glad I did because what I’ve ended up with is quite a striking group that was quick to paint.

Next up we have another war band. Inq28 is getting a lot of love these days! This is the Flawed Saint and her followers of dubious nature.

And last but not least. A big Adepta Sororitas Relic Chapel Tank. This was a bit of a distraction and came about wanting to paint a tank but not owning one so I designed the chassis in CAD and 3D printed it plus a few other parts like the treads and then used a combination of failed prints, random plastic parts and some old used GW scenery to create the rest. The St at the top is also a 3D print and the whole thing was great fun to make.

The aim of this beast is to carry sisters with heavy weapons whilst striking faith into the hordes of fanatics surrounding it and fear to those who oppose it! Armed with 6 heavy flamers it can surround itself in righteous flame whilst a Sister dialogues screams from the pulpit at the head of the beast.

Pipeline Projects

Hello again!

As you all know as hobbyists we usually have more things on the go and ideas floating around in our heads than we can ever have a hope in finishing. This coupled with the ever expanding awesomeness of releases that feed our imagination and addiction makes this even harder to achieve. Now, I find it even harder still because, for the life of me, I just can’t leave a model how it is, it must be changed even if it’s just a head swap. So here I am compiling a visual list of models that will get my attention again in due course.

First up The war band of The Flawed Saint. This is a small project really and is designed for very small skirmish inq28 style games.

I actually finished the Flawed Saint herself the other day.


Next up is a Nurgle warband.


This is it so far. What I’m aiming for is a large group of poxwalker types ( I have loads on sprues!) called the Locked. I’m aiming for at least 20.


Flesh Eater Space Marines Kill Team.

flesh eaters marines

These guys have been around for a while and they’ve even had a few runs on the battlefield. I find red quite a hard colour to get right and I think they need more attention to make the red pop a bit more, although I don’t want them to look shiny. Marines, in my view, should always look like they’re in the wars. I’m planning on creating some transfers, or do free hand, for them as well based on the original design of their chapter symbol, which is much better than the newer one.



Lastly I am slowly collecting some good old pewter models. That’s right I’ve had an urge to get back to my roots and I’m tracking down all the models from The Realms of Chaos I loved as a kid, teen and young adult, and creating an old school Chaos army. I have a long way to go and at the time of writing some things are in the post, but here’s a few shots of what I have at the moment.

I really want some of the original Blood Letters, at least five, so if any of you wonderful people have them and wouldn’t mind parting with them then let me know 🙂



Hello all!

So it’s been a while. Way too long really but that’s the vacuum of Instagram for you. I’ve been posting on there for a while and while it’s good and quick it’s eye candy and lacks a certain depth. So I’m aiming to give my blog more love that it deserves and will start with my Slaanesh project.

The first installment has to be my Daemon Engine for the group. It’s a colossal monster of metal tentacles and writhing, tortured flesh and like aspects of the rest of this project I’ve used kitbashing, sculpting and 3D printing to create it. I documented it step by step as well so you can see the process of creating it and to date I think it’s my most complex undertaking.

So sit back and enjoy and I’ll be back again very soon 🙂


slaanesh banner1

slaanesh banner1

slaanesh banner1

slaanesh banner1

And finally all painted up using mainly contrast and washes.

All Things Fleshy. A Possessed Marine of Slaanesh.

Hello Heretics!

The call of Chaos has been ringing in my ears and I’ve succumbed to its seducing tones. The call of Slaanesh as caused me to drop all other projects and focus only on she who thirsts and being the self-centred, over controlling and extremely jealous type bitch bastard it is I obeyed. My soul has been covered in silk and poked with pins and my mind has had thoughts of the truly deranged and disturbing things. One such vision is this chap. I’ve yet to give him a name so any suggestions would be great, serious or otherwise……….. go on poke some fun at him, you know you want to! He actually likes being poked as he’s your typical sadistic, masochistic, possessed, psychopath marine!


I have to say the he was a joy to kit bash and sculpt and to date I think he’s one of my better painted miniatures. I really loved blending the fleshy pink skin tones with the washed out purples of his armour. The aim was to make the armour appear to be changing into flesh as the Daemon inside him takes more control of the Marine he used to be.


So what will his purpose be? Well he’s the beginnings of a new war band, which will be part of a new campaign I am in the middle of writing. I shall reveal more in the next coming months but lets just say that it will be better than the Chapel!

Anyhoo I hope you like and are also positively repulsed by what you see. Keep on hobbying hobby nuts!

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Now time for a commercial!

Mag Bellum will be at Salute 2019!

To help me get there and make my dream of Mag Bellum a reality please show your support by purchasing this cool, and designed by myself,  T-Shirt! Guaranteed to fit if you choose the right size – it’s a great thing to get paint down, spill wine on and use to clean glasses. It’s the ultimate hobby apparel!! So what are you waiting for! Click on the eye-catching red text below and get yourself something cool now.


A very big thank you to you all.

…………………………………………………….Cue more static………………………………………………

Megaera the Withered

Shunned by Slaanesh and left to wither, Megaera is but a bitter, evil shell of a Daemonette she once was. Mutated and twisted, Slaanesh loves to torment her and so she is always accompanied by a troup of daemonettes as a reminder to her of all she was and all she has lost.

Taunting her they tease and dance around her, enraging her until the exquisit torment becomes too much and she explodes into a blood thirsty frenzy. Laughing, her daemon tormenters are only to happy to join in with the blood shed.


So I’ve finished painting my Daemonettes with 3D printed bodies and I modeled and painted Megaera quickly today. The model you see below is just a concept and I shall be making another one of her soon.

I like the idea of a tormented daemon that is mocked and shunned. Forced to endure for the pleasure of Slaanesh, she can’t help but take pleasure in his desire to punish her and goad her into frenzied acts of violence.dmet7dmet8dmet6dmet1dmet2dmet5dmet3dmet4


A few things

Today I took the plunge and joined The Ammo Bunker under the username of Ordo. It’s been something I’ve been meaning to do for ages and I’ve heard such good things about it and that the projects that go on are truely inspirational. I intend to post some of my projects but would like to have this blog as the main outlet as I think you can spread yourself too thin with social media so I’ll be sticking to my three of choice, WordPress, Instagram and Ammo Bunker.

Talking of social media, I’ve just started the Black Earth Instagram under blackearthbitz. I shall be posting more pics of whats on the horizon for that venture today, so head over and follow if you want to see.

So paint brushes! These beauties arrived this morning.


Heard they were good. Has anyone used them? I’m going to have to make a special character to christen them with I think 🙂

And it wouldn’t be a proper post without a pic of some models. So here’s todays work.

