Hello peeps! Hope you’re all well in hobby land. As for my self I must say I’ve been suffering from a lack of it 😦 and yes it’s the same old culprit we call life and things you must do instead of wanting to do. As important as all that shit is I feel it’s just as important to give time to your interests. My wife calls it the pie of life, and she is correct, one slice should never get too big. So here I am reslicing my pie to much more balanced and enjoyable portions.

As some of you are aware I have been developing a tile system called Mag Bellum. Its magnetic and solid! It’s also been a hard slog, due to pie issues, and I feel I am now ready to give some much needed attention to it. So let’s jump in shall we 🙂

First up you have this selection of tiles.

This bunch is enough to create a 2 x 2 skirmish sized board.

floor plan2x2

Nice! But wait. You can do so much more.


And more!


What about walls? Yep they will be available to and look like this.


As you can see they come as a basic sci- fi design but you will be able to change that by sliding various inserts into place. This one is the Library insert. Door ways and smaller wall sections have also been designed.

All this is in preparation for Salute 2020. I plan to have it in the shop soon and will be documenting my road to Salute so you will see my progress on the designs and what will be available on the day, I’m going to have some terrain pieces to buy and a couple of complete special edition sets.

I will now leave you with some tasty shots of some of the kits you can expect to purchase in the very near future. Cheers! 🙂

Mag bellum set 1 image1Mag bellum set 4 image1


Pipeline Projects

Hello again!

As you all know as hobbyists we usually have more things on the go and ideas floating around in our heads than we can ever have a hope in finishing. This coupled with the ever expanding awesomeness of releases that feed our imagination and addiction makes this even harder to achieve. Now, I find it even harder still because, for the life of me, I just can’t leave a model how it is, it must be changed even if it’s just a head swap. So here I am compiling a visual list of models that will get my attention again in due course.

First up The war band of The Flawed Saint. This is a small project really and is designed for very small skirmish inq28 style games.

I actually finished the Flawed Saint herself the other day.


Next up is a Nurgle warband.


This is it so far. What I’m aiming for is a large group of poxwalker types ( I have loads on sprues!) called the Locked. I’m aiming for at least 20.


Flesh Eater Space Marines Kill Team.

flesh eaters marines

These guys have been around for a while and they’ve even had a few runs on the battlefield. I find red quite a hard colour to get right and I think they need more attention to make the red pop a bit more, although I don’t want them to look shiny. Marines, in my view, should always look like they’re in the wars. I’m planning on creating some transfers, or do free hand, for them as well based on the original design of their chapter symbol, which is much better than the newer one.



Lastly I am slowly collecting some good old pewter models. That’s right I’ve had an urge to get back to my roots and I’m tracking down all the models from The Realms of Chaos I loved as a kid, teen and young adult, and creating an old school Chaos army. I have a long way to go and at the time of writing some things are in the post, but here’s a few shots of what I have at the moment.

I really want some of the original Blood Letters, at least five, so if any of you wonderful people have them and wouldn’t mind parting with them then let me know 🙂


Children of Terra – 1 –

children of terra header

Greetings fellow hobby nuts! I have decided that it is high time I started an ][nq28 style narrative game again. Yes that’s right the massive undertaking and creative slaughter that ensues is just another aspect of this wonderful hobby that I love, plus having some creative people share in your vision is priceless.

So what will this one be about? Well it will be set on Terra at the time of the Festival of Sanguinala and will involve gangs of kids and young adults defending themselves against the predators that lurk in the under hives. Think Stranger Things and the Goonies but in grim dark 40K. That’s the basic gist of it but of course more in depth musings and character write ups will follow in due time. First though I’d like to share the beginnings of the Sanguinala Procession with you.

children of terra1

These two characters are yet to be named and I have yet to decide if they’ll be friend or foe.


children of terra5children of terra6

The mighty statue of Sanguinus is a 3D print from SebTheis on Thingyverse with a few GW bits to finish him off.





Warcry = Hobby joy

warcry header

Hello all.

So Warcry. Have you all had a go? I did with Alex of Leadballoony a few weeks back and I have to say it was a breath of hobby fresh air to me. So much so that we made a plan to get a warband each together with the aim of kicking each others butt and, of course me being me, I decided to create a whole board just to play on. That’s what I’ve been busy with this weekend and this is the result so far.

warcry board1warcry board2warcry board3warcry board4warcry board5warcry board6warcry board7warcry board8

Taking inspiration from the Realm of Chaos books of yore I set out to create a desolate chaos waste land with a particular attention to textures. These textures were achieved a number of ways. The first was the longest process and it was done by leaving my used IPA ( isopropyl alcohol ) out in the sun and elements for 8 months. The IPA is used to clean resin 3D prints and so once the weather had done it’s thing I was left with very textured lumps of solid resin, perfect for terrain. The second is the use of modeling paste from an art store. Great stuff! You can shape it and stick things in it and create some pretty cool effects. Third is good old GW texture paints and last is sand, small slate and gravel. The section in the middle will be a nasty looking river in which I hope to drown some of Alex’s war band of self righteous elves. 😉

Well I hope you like what you see and I’ll leave you with a couple of images of the first character of my war band. The Unmade!!

Cult Limo. Arrive to battle in style!

Hi all! Just a quick one today. I’ve slapped some paint on my cult Limo and started to paint my Patriarch who will be riding in the back ready to pounce on some poor unfortunates. It’s a quick paint job as cool limo’s are always black and shiny and not much else. 🙂

limo1limo2limo3limo4 I’ll be taking a 3D printed kit of this model to Salute this year so if you’re there come and say hi and take a look. Loads of other bits and pieces will be on show too. Cheers!

W.i.p AoP ( Armies on Parade )

Greetings fellow hobby nuts.

Today I am going to photo bomb you all with w.i.p shots of my Armies on Parade entry.

Enjoy 🙂



I love it when it comes to priming. It all just comes together.



Not long to go now and I have a load to do. Still need to convert 10 more characters and then paint the whole army. Pressure!! But I love it! 🙂