Flesh Eaters Kill Team

Hello all! Hope this post finds you well. Today is a little post about a project that has been sitting on my hobby table for far too long, unfinished and unloved. A Flesh Eaters Kill Team.

Red and me don’t get along too well. I find it one of the harder colours to paint and this is why they probably sat there for so long. I do however like the Flesh Eaters and have done since I first saw them in that now legendary lineup of Astartes in the Rogue Trader rule book. So I set about creating a small squad of them and tried to capture that ferocity and blood lust they are known for.

So here they are. Red, finished and loved.

Squad Lycaordan


Hello peeps! Hope you’re all well in hobby land. As for my self I must say I’ve been suffering from a lack of it 😦 and yes it’s the same old culprit we call life and things you must do instead of wanting to do. As important as all that shit is I feel it’s just as important to give time to your interests. My wife calls it the pie of life, and she is correct, one slice should never get too big. So here I am reslicing my pie to much more balanced and enjoyable portions.

As some of you are aware I have been developing a tile system called Mag Bellum. Its magnetic and solid! It’s also been a hard slog, due to pie issues, and I feel I am now ready to give some much needed attention to it. So let’s jump in shall we 🙂

First up you have this selection of tiles.

This bunch is enough to create a 2 x 2 skirmish sized board.

floor plan2x2

Nice! But wait. You can do so much more.


And more!


What about walls? Yep they will be available to and look like this.


As you can see they come as a basic sci- fi design but you will be able to change that by sliding various inserts into place. This one is the Library insert. Door ways and smaller wall sections have also been designed.

All this is in preparation for Salute 2020. I plan to have it in the shop soon and will be documenting my road to Salute so you will see my progress on the designs and what will be available on the day, I’m going to have some terrain pieces to buy and a couple of complete special edition sets.

I will now leave you with some tasty shots of some of the kits you can expect to purchase in the very near future. Cheers! 🙂

Mag bellum set 1 image1Mag bellum set 4 image1


Mag Bellum information

Greetings hobby nuts!

So it’s exciting times here and I’m pleased to tell you all that the first wave of Mag Bellum tiles has hit the store! Yippie!! It’s been a hard old slog but I’m pretty happy with the design and the potential it has for war gaming.


Mag Bellum FB Banner2 851x315-01

Lets have a look at how you buy the sets.

On the Mag Bellum page you will see the payment buttons. The designs of the tiles are displayed here and how many you get of each in the pack ( total of 5 in each ) Selling them this way allows you to select the exact tiles you want to create your board it also has the added benefit of allowing you to spread the cost. Postage is included.


How many tiles will you need to create a board?

A 2ft x 2ft board will need 4 boxes to complete it as it uses 16 tiles to create it. This leaves an extra four tiles, which you can add to the board or leave as more variety for your games if say you are playing a campaign. This size board is perfect for Inq28, AoS28, Killteam or any other skirmish game you play.

Combining sets with your friends will make for battles being fought over many different grounds and themes and up to any size you wish with whatever layout you wish. The variety of boards that can be created are endless.


Extra plate sets.

A plate is the insert which sits in the tile it was made for. These plates are what you create your terrain on like buildings, trees, mounds, piles of rusty junk, objectives and so on. You can purchase extra plates to go with the tiles you already own creating more terrain possibilities for your games without buying the whole tile set.


If you haven’t already, head over to Facebook and like the Mag Bellum page and Instagram of the same name. I will be posting updates on those platforms along with images of boards and what you can achieve with the system.

And I shall leave you with some moody shots of a board I am creating.


Armies on Parade 2018

Hello all!

So last weekend was my local Warhammer Armies on Parade event and it was awesome. The turn out this year was higher than previous years and it was great to see some young bloods get stuck in.

Now I’ve been threatening Dave the manager with participating for at least 3 years now and so I thought it was high time I bit the bullet and have a go at it. I have to say that even though the pressure was high to get it completed on time ( I managed to get it all done in 6 weeks ) I enjoyed the sheer hobby madness of it all and if you’re thinking of doing it then I say get to it, you won’t be disappointed and it’s a great way to challenge yourself.

So how’d I do?…………………….Not half bad! I managed to get the awards for Best Theme, Best Army and Best Painted in the 40K category and took home silver in the managers choice. I even got a medal!

I have plans to expand the army as well with another 15 models to add in the future. My Black Shields will be a grim force to be reckoned with that’s for sure.

Here’s some pictures of my army with more to follow soon. I will take better ones of the squads and characters as well. Hope you like them 🙂




Stylites Game

Hello all.

So last weekend I got together with Alex of Leadballony and we had a few games of Stylites, a game that Alex and I wrote one hot summers day. It was the first time we played on the board I designed and I tell you what it’s a pretty brutal game.



The rules, which you can find here, are very simple allowing for very quick games of stylite hopping, servo skull dodging madness.


One of the things we found was that the penitents that occupy some of the stylites are tough buggers and I found myself being battered off an occupied stylite more than once ( rolling damn 1’s ) ending the game as my character plummeted to the ground with a wet thud.

Get off my Stylite!!

After playing a few two player games we decided to play some four player ones and this is where things got interesting. Hacked servo skulls flying around all over the place! Cruel shoving, bad fumbles and just hanging on for dear life after being smacked around by an insane penitent. All good fun 🙂

I dare you skull- jacker!

Take that! You smelly bastard!

Now come to Papa.

All in all much fun was had and don’t forget to design your own Skull – Jackers and penitents for your chance to win the monster Skull Crab. Here’s some more images from the day. Cheers! 🙂


Venator Gang

Hi gang!

Here’s an image bomb of my Venator Gang as it stands. Names and fluff I haven’t really thought about yet and I might not for this project but we shall see.

Brat Ganger

Albino Escher

Goliath muscle

Ex Guard Medic and Caryatid

Large skull crab battle servitor

Large skull crab battle servitor side

Van Saar Stealth Maiden

Group shot


Caetronia Caelistis and Monk

Caetronia Caelistis is an abomination. She’s cruel, vindictive, sarcastic and clever, she also happens to be an extremely powerful psyker. The middle sister of the three she used to be beautiful and had a rather pleasant personality, that was before her powers corrupted her. An act of sheer violence, instigated by her elder sister, ripped her soul and personality in two.

After the event Caetronia began to change. Her appearance became bloated and hunched and in her rages of pain, power would lash out with surprising force. It was at this time that the greatest change to Caetronia occurred. She became pregnant. Or so it seemed.


C sister1

After a few months what came out surprised them all. A freak of nature. Although Caetronia was already looking more and more freakish, the little thing that spewed forth was disgusting and comical in appearance and her sisters where going to kill it right there and then. Before the blow could fall though Caetronia shouted ” NO!! You will never touch her!” And with a flick of her mind she sent them flying back.

” I have given much to this family in the years past but you shall have no more. I will always be loyal to our blood line and you will accept this new addition to our family because it is by your hand elder sister that she has been born. She is me and I am her. She is the better part of me that remains.”



The better half became known as Monk. Monk is, to all sense and purposes, Caetronia’s joyful happy side. She is the thoughtful one, she is the calming one, she is the one that sees the funny side of all things that occur. This can be annoying at times because lets face it some things that happen to Inquisitors and their followers are far from having a funny side. Psychically tuned in to Caetronia she acts as a booster for her powerful psyker mother and she never leaves her side. Together they are formidable and the only other psyker on the force that descended upon Gellath Prime that is more powerful is Mercy.





C and Monk1

” Why must you move around like that? You have legs, why not use them?”

” Because my little joy it upsets and unnerves people. And I like to upset and unnerve people. Anyway you are one to talk, your legs are far from normal.”

” I like my legs, they make me fast.”

” Well my fast little freak would you be so kind and run off to find our beloved sisters. We need a chat about Inquisitor Gale for he will arrive soon.”

” Ah, Inquisitor Gale. It has been a while since we saw him last. I like him. He’s like a big psyker teddy.”

” He’s dangerous and impulsive and far to smart for his own good. He will need to be knocked down a peg or two.”

” I suppose you will try to wind him up again.”

” You suppose right.”

” You know I won’t let you go too far.”

” Yes you are forever ruining my fun.”

” I am forever saving your life you mean.”




Presenting! Mag Bellum.


Today I have something marvelous to show you. It is the result of much hard work and I hope it will change people’s war gaming lives a little as it’s designed to be space-saving.

Many of us don’t have big games rooms, some of us have only one room, some of us have kids and some don’t own a garage. That was the motivation in creating a tile system that anyone, no matter how much space they had, would be able to have a great tabletop board to play on.

In the images below you can see what will be a 2 x 2 skirmish board. The tiles are thin and magnetized. Some tiles are indented to allow scenery plates to be inserted – this allows you to have a variety of scenery that can fit on the same board giving you more options as to the type of board you want to play on. The kit shown is a prototype and some things have changed for the final products.


And here it is all assembled in two different configurations. You will be able to make a board any size you like with this system and it will just pack away into its box and be placed away with ease.


The final kit will be much bigger than the one shown and will have a variety of different tiles included, with enough scenery plates to create different settings for you to wage war on. Also, and I think this is cool, you will get a whole set of pieces that you can use to create a zone mortalis type board. The theme of this will be an ancient library, with other themes being released as well so you can mix things up if you choose. Below are images of the tiles and a setup.


In the main kit you will get 64 tiles which is enough to create a 4 x 4 board, with endless possibilites as to how you can lay it out. Expansions that are currently being designed will be available as kits to bring even more variety to your games, like multi level, with further designs being created as well for different scale games.

The possiblilities are endless with this system and I’ll be showing you more very soon.