Mechanicum Dice Box

Hello peeps! Just a little post today on a little project I have just finished. It’s a dice box! This little thing was inspired by the box itself. I found a card game while I was sorting through stuff and it was in a rather nice tin box with a spring mechanism on the lid. Very cool I thought! Shit game I thought! Perfect box for dice it is!

The insert was designed in CAD and then 3D printed in grey PLA. The whole lot was then primed a few times in grey primer. I made sure the dice fit nicely into it and are loose enough with plenty of space around them so you can get them out easily. So far so good!


I decided to have a go at some weathering techniques using masking fluid and scratching and above is the outcome. A Grim Mech Dice Box! Quite a fun little project and it’s spawned yet another project to add to the list. A Mechanicum based Kill team. More on that to come!